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3 Douglas Park #313, Boston, MA. 02118
March 18, 1997
Sen. Bill Owens
Mourad/Owens Associates
115 Hazelton Street
Mattapan, MA. 02126
Dear Senator:
I hope the enclosed material will be helpful, if is only accounting for principal development within a half mile radius, It should be noted that within short walking distance of the projects related herein are a number of institutions and development that also would be an enhancement to the Mandela Properties.
The properties are only 3-4 blocks from Northeastern University, one of Boston's largest and prestigious universities, and their developmem plans continue So show interest in expanding towards the Mandela Properties along Columbus Avenue, including an active bid to BankBoston for the Registry Building.
it is also four blocks from Symphony Hall, the Prudential Complex with over 70 retail stores not including the adjoining Copley Plaza, Neiman Marcus, and the Copley Marriot. The Archdiocese of Boston is building a major new high school and an affordable housing complex, in addition, another developer is constructing over 100,000 square feet of Condo and studio apartments nearby.
This sumary also does not include the many state and city capital plans that in total represent development investments far exceeding $500.000.000 or a half billion dollars over the next 3-5 years,
Please feel free to contact me If you require more specific analysis of area developments.
Tony Crayton
Crayton Consultant Services
3 Douglas Park #3l3. Boston. MA. 02118
Tel/Fax 427-4361
SEND TO: Mourad- Owen's Associates
DATE: 2/28/97
REQUEST: Clients requested verification of the city recorded assessed value of the properties at 1-5-9 Greenwich St., 10-22-26-30-34 Hammond St., 53-57 Windsor St., 560-570-580 Washington Street collectively referred to as the "property."
CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS: The Principal of Crayton Consulting Services, Tony Crayton, served as an analyst for the Boston Employment Commission for four years analyzing development trends in Boston and became knowledgeable of the content and uses of l1lA tax incentive agreements. He thereafter served two years as a Boston City Councillor from 1992-94. In the first year he was a member of the Ways & Means Committee and Chair of Post Audit & Oversight. The following year he served as the Chairman of Ways and Means and the Vice Chair of the Committee on Planning & Development. Since 1995 he has served both as a consultant and Chair of the Parcel 18+ Task Force (a development planning group impacting the South West Corridor) advising and analyzing commercial development projects throughout She Roxhury area.
ISSUE PENDING: Contained in the attached exhibit entitled MOTION TO COMPEL TRUSTEE TO ACCEPT PURCHASE OFFER (NO: 96-10123-CJK) in representation #5, is a reference to an October 17,1996 status conference in which if is stated then the Trustee chimed that the property (Mandela or WesSminister/-W!liard Project) "is worth no more than $500,000." While there appears to be tax related differences regarding ihe above mentioned properties, the current valuations associated with the properties seem not to be a matter of dispute with the city's Collector Treasurer's Office. The reported lack of information/Torn the Assessor's office records is due to the properly being given a Class status ofEA. This indicates a 121A, agreement and the general assessor data sources in their office books. BOSNET or the web site for Boston do not show the total value. Rather than identifying properties so designated, ihe valuations can only be obtained by using the ^vard and parcel numbers for the col!et-lor treasurers data baye. They have access to any special fax agreements such as 121A and are the city's definitive source.
FINDINGS: The following listing represents the current total valuation from the 1997 Real Estate Tax bills for the property in question with not area size and copies of the original city documents attached:
PARCEL #: 1150
BILLING ADDRESS: 586 Shawmut Avenue
STREET ID: (Shawmut Ave/Washington Street)
AREA SIZE: 119,073
VALUATION: $5,624,500
PARCEL #: 1850
BILLING ADDRESS: 34 Hammond Street
STREET ID: (Hammond Street)
AREA SIZE: 74,806
VALUATION: $4,091,500
PARCEL #: 1855
BILLING ADDRESS: 53 Windsor Street
STREET ID: (Windsor Street/Greenwich Street)
AREA SIZE: 30,203
VALUATION: $221,500
PARCEL #: 2000
BILLING ADDRESS: 1070 Tremont Street
STREET ID: (for company purposes only)
AREA SIZE: 111,698
VALUATION: $3,666,500
Crayton Consultant Services
SEND TO: Mourad-- Owens Associates
DATE: 3/14/97
DESCRIPTION: A inscription of area development within the Lower Roxbury area impacting properly appraisals related to the Mandela properties. The descriptions shall contain newly constructed, active development and proposed projects.
AREA OF INTEREST: The information contained in this report reviews commercial and residential development projects that have been part of overall development schemes ofthe City of Boston and State sponsored development projects completed, in progress or proposed over the past jive years- Alt of Ike development projects identified herein are not a total compilation of developments but represents the major indications of investment in Ihe areas within a one half mile radium of the Mandela Complex.
Literally hundreds of thousands of square feet is not covered in this review but is also either completed or uttder active planning. Within less than ten years and close proximity, Roxbury Community College, a $30,000 million project was completed and S50,000,0OO is currently reconstructing Mission Hill Main.
New Construction Completed
Project Description
* Boston Medical Center, a merged quasi-private entity of Boston of newly constructed City Hospital and the existing Boston University Hospital.
Project Costs: $65,000,000
* Roxbury Post Office an over 50,000 square foot fully operating service/delivery facility.
Project Costs: $20,000,000
* Dudley Transit Terminal, a new replacement facility for the old Orange Line elevated trains with service to the financial district to most neighborhoods South, east & west.
Project Costs: $17,000,000
* Ruggles Center, a 165.000 square feet of prime office space with three principal links for a 10-15 min. commute to the downtown.
Project Costs: $26,000,000
* Reggie Lewis Track Facility serving the local community and the Metropolitan Boston Area.
Project Costs: $17,000,000
On-Line Construction Underway
* Boston Police Headquarters almost 70% complete will service the entire cily with a $5,540,300 computer aides/ dispatch system (CAD).
Project Costs: $71,523,300
Project Description
*Roxse Homes, a 364 unit subsidized housing
development federally funded rehabilitation program called the Massachusetts Demonstration Disposition Program (Demo-Dispo).
Project Costs: $37,336,293
* Comfield Gardens a 136 unit, similarly funded rehabilitation project of subsidized housing under demo-dispo.
Project Costs: 16,175,000
* Grant Manor, a 179 unit complex as well, is a demo-dispo funded project except if wll be totally demolished and rebuilt.
* Orchard Park Housing Development is currently under rehabilitatifm into mixed use housing funded by a project specific HUD grant.
Project Costs: $50,000,000
Proposed Constntctwn Under Active Design
* Parcel 3, a combination of institutional health care and commercial uses of over 240,000 square feet of developable space with a pending request for proposals to be issued.
Project Costs: $24,000,000
* Urban Ring Circumfrencial Transit System design proposed to host an articulated bus system from the JFK/UMass area lo Boston Medical. Rziggles Center, Lofigwood Medical area and then through Cambridge. Chelsea and Everett.
* Washington Street MBTA infrastructure Repairs needed us a result of damage to the streets and sidewalks and businesses.
Project Costs: $12,000,000
* Washington Street replacemeni Service to be the permanent alternative io the removal of tne elevated train system into the downtown.
Project Costs: $105,000,000
* Ruggles/Tremont Streets Corridor Reconstruction Project, a combinedMass Highway and MBTA design and reconstruction project in the Ruggies and Melnea Cass area.
Project Costs: $3,000,000
Miscellaneous Developments
Three major organizing efforts deserve mention and conslderation as to the potential appraisial value of the Madela Properties by virtue of the area in which they are found. These are the Community and Business Association's organizing success ami attempts to win Boston Main Streets designations. Dudley Square was recently declared a Main Sfreels district, securing funding from the public/private run by the City of Boston to stimulate investment and business development in neighborhood commercial districis, Washington Street (from Melnea Cass to Mass Ave-) and Tremont Street (Ruggles to Mast Ave.) business and community leaders are currently competing with other neighborhood districts for ihe much coveted designation.
Data Sources: MA Housing & Finance Agency, BRA, MBTA, DCPO, Public Facilities Department, etc,